Code of Practice: Review & Approval


What is the GFMD Code of Practice?

The GFMD Code of Practice outlines principles and guidelines that uphold its members' integrity, collaboration and shared mission. It fosters trust, accountability, and mutual respect within the GFMD community.

The Code of Practice governs the activities of the GFMD Secretariat and how GFMD members operate and provides a mechanism for accountability and transparency.

When was it last updated?

GFMD’s Code of Practice was drafted in 2016.

Why change it?

During the consultations that led to the OECD’s Development Cooperation Principles for Relevant and Effective Support to Media and the Information Environment, many members highlighted that the Code of Practice needs to be updated to reflect the sector's current trends and needs, including coordination, effectiveness, and equity.

At the May 2024 Steering Committee meeting in Sarajevo, it was agreed that the revised Code of Practice would be available for members to review and provide feedback before they vote on whether to adopt the revised version in the first half of 2025.

Who has been involved in drafting the revised version?

A revised version of the Code of Practice was produced by GFMD consultant, Cara Stern, in collaboration with a geographically representative drafting committee: Lars Tallert - Fojo Media Institute (GFMD member & member of GFMD Policy and Learning Committee) – Europe; Maha Taki - formerly of BBC Media Action (Member of GFMD Policy and Learning Committee) – MENA; Tabani Moyo - Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) (GFMD member, member of GFMD Steering Committee and GFMD Policy and Learning Committee) – Africa; Laura Zommer - Factchequeado (under GFMD member - ICFJ) - Latin America; Rishad Patel - Splice Media (GFMD member) - Asia.

The GFMD Secretariat has since reviewed it with input from the GFMD Steering Committee.

Proposed changes to the Code of Practice

The main change to the existing code of practice is that the new code be split into two sections:

Part I

Commits GFMD members to maintain common minimal standards of organisational excellence while furthering the GFMD’s mission.

Mandatory for all members.

Part II

Part II of the Code of Practice is non-binding and cannot result in suspension or expulsion.

Part II of the GFMD Code of Practice serves as an optional protocol. Elements of its recommendations may not apply to all members in the same ways. Therefore, it serves as aspirational guidelines that members, where appropriate and feasible, are highly encouraged to follow but are not bound to, in line with the GFMD Constitution.

Next steps

December 2024 - Members have until Friday 31 January to leave comments and suggestions in the draft Code of Practice which is available in four languages: Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

January 2025 - The GFMD Steering Committee approves the revised version prepared by the GFMD Secretariat.

February - April 2025 - GFMD members vote on whether to adopt the revised Code of Practice.

May 2025 - Results are announced at the GFMD online General Assembly.

How members can comment and make suggestions in the draft

Members can leave suggestions and comments in the revised drafts in any of the four languages: Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

Last updated

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