30 September 2021
All times Central European Summer Time (CEST) (GMT+2)
Global Forum for Media Development - TIRANA, 2021
0845 - Registration and welcome coffee
0900-1045 - Albanian perspectives on media development and journalism support
Venue: Meeting room Antigonea 2, Rogner Hotel, Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit, Tirana
FORMAT: HYBRID - In-person meeting in Tirana, which will be broadcast and recorded.
Moderator: Lutfi Dervishi, journalist, media expert.
Opening remarks:
Mira Milosevic, Director, Global Forum for Media Development - GFMD
Remzi Lani, Member of the Steering Committee of GFMD, director of Albanian Media Institute
Alastair King-Smith, UK Ambassador to the Republic of Albania (and former Co-ordinator of the Global Campaign for Media Freedom at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)
Open discussion:
The state of media freedom in Albania.
Investigative journalism and reporting organised crime and corruption.
Responses to information disorder and approaches of media development donors in Albania.
International mechanisms of media freedom and media development (such as Media Freedom Coalition and International Fund for Public Interest Media)
Recommendations and Conclusions
Rapporteur: Blerjana Bino, Center Science and Innovation for Development
A summary of the Albania Media Roundtable meeting is available here:
GFMD General Assembly 2021
Venue: Meeting room Antigonea 2, Rogner Hotel, Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit, Tirana
1300-1330 - Welcome
FORMAT: HYBRID - In-person, Zoom, and recorded session.
Ricardo Corredor, Outgoing Chairperson of GFMD
Mira Milosevic, Executive Director GFMD
1330-1350 - Changes to the GFMD Constitution
FORMAT: HYBRID - In-person, Zoom, and recorded session.
The Secretariat explained the process:
The Secretariat gave an overview of the key changes:
The Chair announces the results.
Discussion: The floor was be open for any comments by members.
1350-1420 - Activity report 2016-2021
FORMAT: HYBRID - In-person, Zoom, and recorded session.
Members of the GFMD Secretariat presented brief highlights from the 2016-2021 activity report.
GFMD Executive Director, Mira Milosevic, presented highlights of the activities of the Global Forum for Media Development between 2016 and 2021.
The GFMD Secretariat provided an update to members about the achievements and activities of the network since 2016.
Fiona Nzingo - Membership and Engagement Manager - who spoke about the GFMD's recruitment and retention of members: https://gfmd.info/members/
Anne Marie Hammer - Programmes and Project Manager - who spoke about the launch of the GFMD MediaDev Fundraising Guide https://fundraising-guide.gfmd.info/
Ivana Bjelic Vucinic - Programmes and Project Manager - who spoke about GFMD's coordination activities in Lebanon and elsewhere https://coordination.gfmd.info/
Tom Law - Head of Policy & Learning - who spoke about the launch of the International Media Policy and Advisory Centre (GFMD IMPACT) https://impact.gfmd.info/
Biba Klomp - International Partnerships Manager - who spoke about the results of a network analysis of GFMD's membership
Olga Komarova - Communications Manager - speaks about improvements to GFMD's communications.
Full activity reports for adoption can be reviewed and downloaded on the Annual activity reports page
Strategic reports for adoption can be reviewed and downloaded on the Strategic reports page
1420-1430 - Financial report 2017-2021
Full financial reports for adoption can be reviewed and downloaded on the Annual financial reports page
GFMD members were given an update on the network's finances since the last General Assembly in 2016 by the GFMD Secretariat.
GFMD Executive Director: Mira Milosevic
GFMD Finance Manager: Klea Trbovic Zivkovic
1430-1445 - Discussion & adoption of GFMD activity and financial reports
FORMAT: HYBRID - In-person, Zoom, and recorded session.*
GFMD General members were be invited to discuss and adopt the GFMD activity and financial reports.
* The adoption of the GFMD activity reports and GFMD financial reports will be provisional to allow members unable to attend in person and by Zoom to vote. Recordings of the presentations will be shared with all members on 11th October. The final deadline for objections and/or questions and voting will be 22nd October.
1445-1500 - Announcement of new GFMD Steering Committee
FORMAT: In-person, Zoom, and recorded session.
The GFMD Secretariat will explain:
The nomination and voting process
Changes to the structure of the Steering Committee that were approved in the new Constitution.
The Voting commission declares whether the votes have been cast and counted fairly.
The outgoing Chairperson Ricardo Corredor announces the duly elected members of the new Steering Committee.
The General Assembly is brought to a close by the outgoing Chairperson.
A summary report from the GFMD General Assembly can be found here.
1500-1545 BREAK
1545-1730 - First meeting of new GFMD Steering Committee (with attendance of outgoing Steering Committee)
Venue: Meeting room Antigonea 2, Rogner Hotel, Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit, Tirana
FORMAT: HYBRID - In-person, Zoom, and recorded session.
1545-1615 Candidacy for the GFMD Executive Committee
1615-1630 Steering Committee members vote for the new GFMD Executive Committee
1630-1645 New GFMD Executive Committee announced
1645-1700 Working rules of the Steering Committee
1700-1715 - Conclusion
End of the Steering Committee meeting
A report from the Steering Committee meeting is available here:
1730 - 1830 Afghanistan assistance coordination meeting
Three journalists from Afghanistan presented the current situation and speak about the forms of assistance most needed.
FORMAT: In-person only
A report from the Afghanistan coordination meeting is available here:
Last updated
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