Post-assembly (13 Oct. - 1 Nov.)

13-22 October 2021

- Period for consultation and approval of reports and strategy for General members who did not attend the General Assembly.

FORMAT: Online only

The Secretariat will email the GFMD members list with details of:

  • How to access the recorded sessions of the General Assembly (for members who were not able to attend in person, or online during the meeting).

  • The updated GFMD strategy for 2021-2025. This will have been updated

While GFMD’s strategy for 2021-2025 will be discussed at the General Assembly, it will not be voted on until after the meeting.

This is in order to

  • Allow changes and additions to be made based on in-person and hybrid discussions at the General Assembly.

  • Ensure that all members (especially those not able to attend online or in-person) have time to review and provide feedback.

This period will also allow all members not able to attend online or in-person to provide feedback and vote on the adoption of the:

  • GFMD activity report 2017-2021

  • GFMD financial report 2017-2021

  • Strategic plan 2021-2025

1 November 2021

- Final approved documents shared with General members

The Secretariat announces the final results of additional online voting and comments and shares the following final documents with members:

  • GFMD activity report for 2017-2021

  • GFMD financial report 2017- 2021

  • GFMD strategy 2021-2025

Last updated

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